Tarot Clarity – Psyche in Aquarius – Queen of Swords

March 15th 2019: Asteroid Psyche begins her transit through Aquarius that will last all year until December 26th, due to her retrograde that lasts from June 20th to September 24th. Psyche’s orbit is in strong resonance with Earth, orbiting the Sun once in exactly five Earth years. During this five year cycle she goes retrograde four times in the same four signs; she retrogrades in Aquarius on years ending with 4 and 9.

The Queen of Swords brandishes her weapon while seated with a hand over her belly, a mirror image of major arcana III The Empress. Where the Empress is active, representing gestation and the fluid nature of creativity that takes the shape of its container, Queen of Swords is receptive, representing the defensive power of intellectual presence, that still center of inner knowing that cannot be swayed by a world designed to overstimulate with distractions to obfuscate the truth. The Queen of Swords is the eye of the storm.


Psyche in Aquarius as Queen of Swords cuts through the fog with clarity and wisdom, secure in her knowledge of who she is and what she is here to do- a pure soul seeking the light.


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